Badachu Eight Great Sites

BaDaChu Park entrance


The name Badachu means Eight Great Sites, and refers to the eight Buddhist temples at the foot of Beijing’s Western Hills Scenic Area. Located along the outskirts of Beijing, it was restored during the 1980’s and has since become a famous tourist destination.

There are a total of eight former Buddhist temples and monasteries in Badachu Park. These are the Temple of Eternal Peace, the Temple of Divine Light, Three-hill Nunnery, the Temple of Great Mercy, Dragon Spring Nunnery, the Temple of Fragrant World, The Cave of Precious Pearl, and Zhengguo Temple.

Badachu Park is an attractive place to visit all year round. Visitors can stroll from one temple to another, enjoying the beautiful scenery and admiring the arbor and rare ancient trees. In September and October, when the leaves are turning red, crowds of tourists come to climb the mountains.

Badachu is also an excellent place for hiking. The hike is moderate and the steps are well maintained. It takes about 1.5 hour to walk from the foot of the mountain to the top including the time visiting the temples.

Badachu is also connected to the Fragrance Hill through a fire road at the middle of the mountain. A hike can start from the entrance to the BadaChu and follow the fire road all the way to Fragrance Hill and down to the foot. This hike is about 15km and goes through some of the best red leaves viewing area in Beijing. A good 3 hour walk is required to complete this journey. One can take a connecting bus from the Fragrance Hill to the BadaChu parking lot.

Entrance Fee:


  1. The Top 10 Photographic Spots Around Beijing | Dr. Mark Nan Tu said,

    June 11, 2008 @ 2:12 pm

    […] Beijing BaDaChu […]

  2. charles said,

    September 12, 2011 @ 1:15 pm


    Could you please give me more details on hiking from Badachu to Fragrant Hills. I’ve been to Badachu, but I do not know where to find the fire road.



  3. drtu said,

    September 12, 2012 @ 7:56 am

    The fireroad is about 3/4 to the top of Badachu on a back door.

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