美国加州的Hearst Castle(摄于2001年6月13日)

最近整理以前拍摄的一些照片,找到2001年6月在加州旅行时照的,里面有Hearst Castle。不可否认美国的历史很短,没有什么古迹可看,而这个景观就是不多的人造的“古”建筑之一。从建筑造型上看,到处都有欧洲建筑的影响,特别是大门口的那个水池,看上去和德国的旧天鹅堡前的水池一样。我印象最深的就是当年Hearst为了把他的城堡装修得仿古一点,到处收集了一些欧洲的古建筑上用料,我当时看到觉得比较奇怪。



In 1865, George Hearst, a wealthy miner, purchased 40,000 acres of ranchland that included the Mexican Ranchos of Piedra Blanca, San Simeon and Santa Rosa. In 1919, his only son, William Randolph Hearst, inherited the land from his mother, Phoebe Apperson Hearst. By then the ranch had grown to encompass 250,000 acres. Originally nicknamed “Camp Hill,” its wilderness offered a place for family members and friends to “rough it” on camping trips. While the arrangements for these trips were elaborate, with separate sleeping and dining tents, they would not satisfy Hearst for long. In 1919, his instructions to famed San Francisco architect Julia Morgan were simple, “…Miss Morgan, we are tired of camping out in the open at the ranch in San Simeon and I would like to build a little something…”

