Archive for 9 月, 2014


这是网上找到的拍摄小车的设计, 小车上有智能控制系统,应该可以沿着设置的轨迹移动,也可以遥控,云台主要负责保持相机的稳定性,应该还有图传等辅助设备。





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MAVLINK Common Message Set MAVLink ????


MAVLINK Common Message Set MAVLink ????
These messages define the common message set, which is the reference message set implemented by most ground control stations and autopilots.
??:??? 2012/12/22 ??:V1.0
MAVLink Protocol Version ?? This file has protocol version: 3. The version numbers range from 1-255.
MAVLink Type Enumerations ???
Micro air vehicle / autopilot classes. This identifies the individual model.?????????
?????CMD ID
???Field Name
Generic autopilot, full support for everything ????,??????
PIXHAWK autopilot,
SLUGS autopilot,
ArduPilotMega / ArduCopter,
Generic autopilot only supporting simple waypoints
Generic autopilot supporting waypoints and other simple navigation commands ????,????????????
Generic autopilot supporting the full mission command set
?????CMD ID
???Field Name
No valid autopilot, e.g. a GCS or other MAVLink component ????
PPZ UAV – UAV Dev Board
PX4 Autopilot –
MAV_TYPE ?????
????Field Name
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Generic micro air vehicle. ??
Fixed wing aircraft. ???
Quadrotor ??
Coaxial helicopter ??
Normal helicopter with tail rotor. ??
Ground installation ??????
Operator control unit / ground control station ???
Airship, controlled ????
Free balloon, uncontrolled ????? Rocket ??
Ground rover ????
Surface vessel, boat, ship ???? Submarine ??
Hexarotor ??
Octorotor ??
Octorotor??:?? Triroter? ?? Flapping wing ???
Flapping wing??:?? Kite???
These flags encode the MAV mode. ? MAVLink ???,??????????????? ???(Mode)???? 8 ???????????????????,????

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MAVLINK Common Message Set MAVLink 消息设置


MAVLINK Common Message Set MAVLink 消息设置
These messages define the common message set, which is the reference message set implemented by most ground control stations and autopilots.

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Pixhawk 飞控的飞行模式大全,英文并附上中文翻译

1 Flight Modes
2 Major Flight Modes
12 Return To Launch (RTL)
16 Mission Specific Modes

ArduPlane has a wide range of built in flight modes. ArduPlane can act as a simple flight stabilization system, a sophisticated autopilot, a training system or a flight safety system depending on what flight mode and options you choose. Flight modes are controlled through the radio (via a transmitter switch) via mission commands or via ground station (GCS) commands.

To setup your radio to control APM’s Flight Modes use your ground station flight mode setup screen. In the Mission Planner use the Configuration -> Flight Modes screenArduPlane-flightmodes

The above setup shows a configuration for a RC transmitter with a 6 position switch (or a combination of a 3 position switch with a 2 position switch). Each switch position corresponds to a PWM (pulse width modulation) range shown on the right. Each of those switch positions is mapped to one of the available flight modes. In the above example, when the switch is in a position that generates a PWM value of between 1491 and 1620 then ArduPlane will enter Training mode.

Major Flight Modes (主要飞行模式)
All of the flight modes below have optional additional controls that may be used to change the behaviour to suit particular flying needs. After you have read the introductory material below it is highly recommended that you look through the complete set of ArduPlane parameters so you can explore the full range of functionality available.

MANUAL (手动,没有自稳定)
Regular RC control, no stabilization. All RC inputs are passed through to the outputs. The only ways in which the RC output may be different from inputs are as follows:

if a configured failsafe or geofence triggers, and ArduPlane takes control
if the VTAIL_OUTPUT option is enabled, then a software VTAIL mixer is applied on the output
if the ELEVON_OUTPUT option is enabled, then a software Elevon mixer is applied on the output

STABILIZE (自稳定)(通常用在室内或者起飞,降落时),没有GPS定位,只能保持水平方向平稳。高度,和位置完全靠手动。初学者必须练习和掌握的模式。
RC control with simple stabilization. If you let go of the sticks then ArduPlane will level the plane. This is a bit like flying a plane with a lot of dihedral. You will find that while it is possible to do maneuvers like rolls and loops in stabilize mode, the tendency of the plane to right itself will make these maneuvers difficult. For people wanting the plane to mostly fly itself, with the pilot just telling it where to fly, you are better off using the FlyByWireA mode.

In stabilize mode the throttle is limited by the THR_MIN and THR_MAX settings.

Note that STABILIZE mode is not a good mode to use for tuning the control loops. You are far better off using FBWA for that.

FLY BY WIRE_A (FBWA) (电控飞A),对于大多数新手来说,这是最常用的飞行模式,但事实上,基本没人飞这个模式。
This is the most popular mode for assisted flying in ArduPlane, and is the best mode for inexperienced flyers. In this mode ArduPlane will hold the roll and pitch specified by the control sticks. So if you hold the aileron stick hard right then the plane will hold it’s pitch level and will bank right by the angle specified in the LIM_ROLL_CD option (in centidegrees). It is not possible to roll the plane past the roll limit specified in LIM_ROLL_CD, and it is not possible to pitch the plane beyond the LIM_PITCH_MAX/LIM_PITCH_MIN settings.

Note that holding level pitch does not mean the plane will hold altitude. How much altitude a plane gains or loses at a particular pitch depends on its airspeed, which is primarily controlled by throttle. So to gain altitude you should raise the throttle, and to lose altitude you should lower the throttle. If you want ArduPlane to take care of holding altitude then you should look at the FlyByWireB mode.

In FBWA mode throttle is manually controlled, but is constrained by the THR_MIN and THR_MAX settings.

In FBWA mode the rudder is under both manual control, plus whatever rudder mixing for roll you have configured. Thus you can use the rudder for ground steering, and still have it used for automatically coordinating turns.

FLY BY WIRE_B (FBWB) (电控飞B) 和电控飞A一样,但是有能自动控制高度
The FBWB mode is similar to FBWA, but ArduPlane will try to hold altitude as well. The roll and pitch control is the same as FBWA,and altitude is controlled using the elevator. The target airspeed is controlled using the throttle.

To control your altitude in FBWB mode you use the elevator to ask for a change in altitude. If you leave the elevator centered then ArduPlane will try to hold the current altitude. As you move the elevator ArduPlane will try to gain or lose altitude in proportion to how far you move the elevator. How much altitude it tries to gain for full elevator deflection depends on the FBWB_CLIMB_RATE parameter, which defaults to 2 meters/second.

Whether you need to pull back on the elevator stick or push forward to climb depends on the setting of the FBWB_ELEV_REV parameter. The default is for pulling back on the elevator to cause the plane to climb. This corresponds to the normal response direction for a RC model. If you are more comfortable with the reverse you can set FBWB_ELEV_REV to 1 and the elevator will be reversed in FBWB mode.

If you have an airspeed sensor then the throttle will control the target airspeed in the range ARSPD_FBW_MIN to ARSPD_FBW_MAX. If throttle is mimimum then the plane will try to fly at ARSPD_FBW_MIN. If it is maximum it will try to fly at ARSPD_FBW_MAX.

If you don’t have an airspeed sensor then the throttle will set the target throttle of the plane, and ArduPlane will adjust the throttle around that setting to achieve the desired altitude hold. The throttle stick can be used to push the target throttle up beyond what it calculates is needed, to fly faster.

As with FBWA, the rudder is under a combination of manual control and auto control for turn coordination.

AUTOTUNE 自动调参是pixhawk一个比较牛逼的功能,再也不需要调节飞控的PID值,只要在空中开启自动调参,pixhawk自动设置PID值。不过实际上,飞机的高度是自动控制的,飞机会在空中来回摇晃几分钟,幅度越来越小。
The AUTOTUNE mode flies in the same way as FBWA, but it does automatic tuning of roll and pitch control gains. Please read the full documentation on AUTOTUNE for more details.

This mode is like training wheels on a bicycle and is ideal for teaching students manual R/C control. If the roll is less the the LIM_ROLL_CD parameter than the pilot has manual roll control. If the plane tries to roll past that limit then the roll will be held at that limit. The plane will not automatically roll back to level flight, but it will prevent the pilot from rolling past the limit. The same applies to pitch – the pilot has manual pitch control until the LIM_PITCH_MIN or LIM_PITCH_MAX limits are reached, at which point the plane won’t allow the pitch to go past those limits.

In training mode the rudder and throttle are both completely under manual control.

ACRO (杂技)高级应用,主要用户是想玩电控飞A或者自平衡但是又不想全手动。
ACRO (for acrobatic) is a mode for advanced users that provides rate based stabilization with attitude lock. It is a good choice for people who want to push their plane harder than you can in FBWA or STABILIZE mode without flying in MANUAL. This is the mode to use for rolls, loops and other basic aerobatic maneuvers, or if you just want an “on rails” manual flying mode.

To setup this mode you need to set ACRO_ROLL_RATE and ACRO_PITCH_RATE. These default to 180 degrees/second, and control how responsive your plane will be about each axis.

When flying in ACRO the aircraft will try to hold it’s existing attitude if you have no stick input. So if you roll the plane to a 30 degree bank angle with 10 degrees pitch and then let go of the sticks, the plane should hold that attitude. This applies upside down as well, so if you roll the plane upside down and let go of the sticks the plane will try to hold the inverted attitude until you move the sticks again.

When you apply aileron or elevator stick the plane will rotate about that axis (in body frame) at a rate proportional to the amount of stick movement. So if you apply half deflection on the aileron stick then the plane will start rolling at half of ACRO_ROLL_RATE.

So to perform a simple horizontal roll, just start in level flight then hold the aileron stick hard over while leaving the elevator stick alone. The plane will apply elevator correction to try to hold your pitch while rolling, including applying inverse elevator while inverted.

In the current implementation the controller won’t use rudder while the plane is on it’s side to hold pitch, which means horizontal rolls won’t be as smooth as a good manual pilot, but that should be fixed in a future release. This also means that it won’t hold knife-edge flight.

Performing a loop is just as simple – just start with wings level then pull back on the elevator stick while leaving the aileron alone. The controller will try to hold your roll attitude through the loop. You can stop the loop upside down if you like as part of maneuvers such as Immelman turns or cuban eights.

Note that if you are using ACRO mode to try and teach yourself aerobatic flying then it is highly recommended that you setup a geo-fence in case you get disoriented.

Warning: It is very easy to stall your plane in ACRO mode, and if you stall you should change to MANUAL mode to recover

make sure you know the limitations of your airframe, and what the correct stall recovery procedure is. This varies a lot between airframes. Search for stall recovery tutorials for R/C aircraft and read them
don’t overload your airframe, only fly ACRO mode with a lightly loaded plane
make sure you have enough airspeed for whatever maneuver you are attempting. Throttle and speed control is completely under manual pilot control in ACRO mode
practice stall recovery before trying anything too fancy. Make sure you practice when you have plenty of altitude to give you time to try different recovery strategies
It can be a lot of fun flying ACRO mode, but you can also easily stall and crash hard. Automatic stall detection and recovery in autopilots is an area of research, and is not yet implemented in APM:Plane, so if you do stall then recovery is up to you. The best mode for recovery is MANUAL.

CRUISE (自动巡航)类似电控飞B,但是有机头锁定,较多用于长距离第一视角的飞行
Cruise mode is a bit like FBWB, but it has “heading lock”. It is the ideal mode for longer distance FPV flight, as you can point the plane at a distant object and it will accurately track to that object, automatically controlling altitude, airspeed and heading.

The way it works is this:

if you have any aileron or rudder input then it flies just like FBWB. So it holds altitude until you use the elevator to change the target altitude (at the FBWB_CLIMB_RATE rate) and it adjusts airspeed based on throttle
when you let go of the aileron and rudder sticks for more than 0.5 seconds it sets an internal waypoint at your current location, and projects a target waypoint one kilometre ahead (note that heading lock will only activate if you have GPS lock, and have a ground speed of at least 3 m/s)
as it flies along it heads for the target waypoint, and constantly updates that target to always be one kilometre ahead, leaving the previous waypoint as the position that you centred the aileron and rudder sticks
as long as you don’t touch the aileron or rudder, it will run the same navigation system it uses for waypoints, including crabbing, cross-track etc, so it will very accurately hold that ground course even in the face of changing wind conditions
One of the nicer aspects of CRUISE mode is how it handles rudder. If you give it some rudder then the roll controller will keep the wings level, but the plane will yaw with the rudder. So you get a “wings level” turn, allowing you to rotate your flight to point at whatever geographic feature you want to head towards. Then when you let go of the rudder it will head straight for that point.

Note that CRUISE mode does not currently have the ability to do terrain following. The ability to follow an altitude above ground level over variable terrain is planned for a future release of APM on the PX4 controller board.注意:目前还不能在飞机的高度方面自动跟随地面的高差改变

Warning: Make sure you only fly FPV if it is allowed by your countries flight and airspace control rules. Many countries do not allow non line of sight flight without a special operating license.

AUTO 自动,用在地面站控制,航点(按照GPS坐标)飞行。
In AUTO mode the follow a mission (a set of GPS waypoints and other commands) set by your ground station configuration. When entering AUTO mode ArduPlane will continue from whatever mission item it was last doing, unless you have reset the mission.

When in AUTO ArduPlane will by default allow the pilot to influence the flight of the plane by using “stick mixing”, which allows for aileron, elevator and rudder input to steer the plane in a way that can override the autopilot control. Whether this is enabled is determined by the STICK_MIXING option. By default stick mixing behaves the same as FBWA mode.

Warning: “Home” position is always supposed to be your Planes actual GPS takeoff location:
It is very important to acquire GPS lock before arming in order for RTL, Loiter, Auto or any GPS dependent mode to work properly.
For APM:Plane the home position is the postion of the Plane when you first get GPS lock whether it was armed or not.
This means if you execute an RTL in APM:Plane, it will return to the location where it was when it first acquired GPS lock.
For APM:Plane: Plug in the battery and let it acquire GPS lock where you want it to return to: (Not the Pits).
Return To Launch (RTL)
In RTL mode the plane will return to launch point (the point where the plane first got a GPS lock) and loiter there until manual control is regained (or it runs out of fuel!). As with AUTO mode you can also “nudge” the aircraft manually in this mode using stick mixing. The target altitude for RTL mode is set using the ALT_HOLD_RTL parameter in centimeters.

Alternatively, you may configure the plane to return to a Rally Point, rather than the launch point.

Warning: “Home” position is always supposed to be your Planes actual GPS takeoff location:
It is very important to acquire GPS lock before arming in order for RTL, Loiter, Auto or any GPS dependent mode to work properly.
For APM:Plane the home position is the postion of the Plane when you first get GPS lock whether it was armed or not.
This means if you execute an RTL in APM:Plane, it will return to the location where it was when it first acquired GPS lock.
For APM:Plane: Plug in the battery and let it acquire GPS lock where you want it to return to: (Not the Pits).
LOITER (GPS控制飞行),航拍最常用的模式。可以完全脱控,悬停。飞机移动比较慢,好比用GPS位置控制了飞机在3维空中的位置。
In LOITER mode the plane will circle around the point where you started the loiter, holding altitude at the altitude that you entered loiter in. The radius of the circle is controlled by the WP_LOITER_RAD parameter, but is also limited by your NAV_ROLL_CD limit, and your NAVL1_PERIOD navigation tuning.

As with RTL (自动返航,只要起飞的时候已经定位,那么切这个模式,飞机可以制动返航,并在20米的高度,慢慢降落到起飞的位置)and AUTO mode you can “nudge” the plane while in LOITER using stick mixing, if enabled.

Warning: “Home” position is always supposed to be your Planes actual GPS takeoff location: 自动返航点就是你的飞机上电以后找到的第一个的GPS地点(不管你开没开动马达),所以在以下飞行模式必须在GPS定位以后才能进行,比如RTL,定点定高,自动等
It is very important to acquire GPS lock before arming in order for RTL, Loiter, Auto or any GPS dependent mode to work properly.
For APM:Plane the home position is the postion of the Plane when you first get GPS lock whether it was armed or not.
This means if you execute an RTL in APM:Plane, it will return to the location where it was when it first acquired GPS lock.
For APM:Plane: Plug in the battery and let it acquire GPS lock where you want it to return to: (Not the Pits).

CIRCLE 画圆(类似定点定高,但是不需要GPS定位)(这个模式比较好玩,主要用在航拍一个点,比如宝塔,飞机围绕宝塔转圈,机头永远对着宝塔,半径可调,初设20米)
Circle mode is similar to loiter, but doesn’t attempt to hold position. This is primarily meant as a failsafe mode and is the mode that the aircraft will enter by default for 20 seconds when a failsafe event occurs, before switching to RTL (一键返航).

Circle mode is deliberately a very conservative mode, and doesn’t rely on GPS positioning as it is used when GPS fails. It will do a large circle, The bank angle is set to the LIM_ROLL_CD divided by 3, to try to ensure the plane remains stable even without GPS velocity data for accelerometer correction. That is why the circle radius is so large.

Circle mode uses throttle and pitch control to maintain altitude at the altitude where it started circling.

GUIDED (导航)主要用于在地面站的数字地图上点击某个位置,然后飞机自动飞过去,另外一个用处,就是地理限围,飞机飞过边界以后,自动进入导航模式,会自动飞到一个返航地点并定点定高,等待下一个操作指令
The GUIDED mode is used when you want the aircraft to fly to a specific point on the map without setting up a mission. Most ground control stations support a “click to fly to” feature where you can click a point on the map and the aircraft will fly to that location when loiter.

The other major use for GUIDED mode is in geo-fencing. When the geo-fence is breached the aircraft will enter GUIDED mode, and head to the predefined geo-fence return point, where it will loiter until the operator takes over.

Mission Specific Modes
When flying an AUTO mission ArduPlane has some sub-modes that are set using mission items. The two main sub-modes are TAKEOFF and LAND.

TAKEOFF 起飞,通常用在使用地面站或者手机控制,自动起飞,到20米高度,然后自动悬停。
Auto takeoff is set by the mission control scripting only. The takeoff mission specifies a takeoff pitch and a target altitude. During takeoff ArduPlane will use the maximum throttle set by the THR_MAX parameter. The takeoff mission item is considered complete when the plane has reached the target altitude specified in the mission.

Before takeoff it is important that the plane be pointing into the wind, and be aligned with the runway (if a wheeled takeoff is used). The plane will try to hold its heading during takeoff, with the initial heading set by the direction the plane is facing when the takeoff starts. It is highly recommended that a compass be enabled and properly configured for auto takeoff, as takeoff with a GPS heading can lead to poor heading control.

If you are using a wheeled aircraft then you should look at the WHEELSTEER_* PID settings for controlling ground steering. If you are hand launching or using a catapult you should look at the TKOFF_THR_MINACC and TKOFF_THR_MINSPD parameters.

Auto Land is set by the mission control scripting only. Throttle and altitude is controlled by the autopilot. After getting closer LAND_FLARE_ALT meters from the target altitude or LAND_FLARE_SEC seconds from the target landing point the plane will “flare” to the LAND_PITCH_CD pitch (in centidegrees) and will hold heading for the final approach.

Setting up ArduPlane for reliable auto-takeoff and landing is very airframe dependent, and it is recommended that you first get some experience flying your aircraft in FBWA mode, and be ready to take over control in manual or FBWA mode the first few times you use an automatic takeoff or landing.

You should also look through the complete list of parameters, as there are a lot of parameters that help control takeoff and landing for different situations.




4、简单模式Simple Mode
设置过APM飞行模式的朋友都会注意到,软件界面的各个模式旁边,都有个“Simple Mode”简单模式的勾选框。勾了这个框之后的模式,飞行中会更加简单:



此模式需要地面站软件和飞行器之间通信。连接后,在任务规划器Mission Planner软件地图界面上,在地图上任意位置点鼠标右键,选弹出菜单中的“Fly to here”(飞到这里),软件会让你输入一个高度,然后飞行器会飞到指定位置和高度并保持悬停。


此模式下飞行器会自动执行地面站Mission Planner设定好的任务,例如起飞、按顺序飞向多个航点、旋转、拍照等。

10: 手动:MANUAL (完全手动,没有自稳定)

11: 自动起飞,TAKEOFF 通常用在使用地面站或者手机控制,自动起飞,到20米高度,然后自动悬停。

12: 自动降落 LAND,顾名思义,就是用手机或者地面站控制,自动降落。要保证地面水平哦,否则。。。

13:自动调参AUTOTUNE 是pixhawk一个比较牛逼的功能,再也不需要调节飞控的PID值,只要在空中开启自动调参,pixhawk自动设置PID值。不过实际上,飞机的高度是自动控制的,飞机会在空中来回摇晃几分钟,幅度越来越小。

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电调都会标上多少A,如20a,40a 这个数字就是电调能够提供的电流。大电流的电调可以兼容用在小电流的地方。小电流电调不能超标使用。
根据我简单测试,常见新西达2212加1045浆最大电机电流有可能达到了5a,为了保险起见,建议这样配置用30a 或 40a电调(大家用20a电调的也多),说买大一点,以后还可以用到其他地方去。



简单来说,前面2位越大,电机越肥,后面2位越大,电机越高。 又高又大的电机,功率就更大,适合做大四轴。 通常2212电机是最常见的配置了。


同电机类似,桨也有啥1045,7040这些4位数字,前面2位代表桨的直径(单位:英寸 1英寸=254毫米)后面2位是桨的角度。






代表电池放电能力,这是普通锂电池和动力锂电池最重要区别,动力锂电池需要很大电流放电,这个放电能力就是C来表示的。如1000mah电池 标准为5c,那么用5x1000mah,得出电池可以以5000mh的电流强度放电。




理论上讲,只要4个螺旋桨不打架就可以了,但要考虑到,螺旋桨之间因为旋转产生的乱流互相影响,建议还是不要太近,否则影响效率。 这也是为什么四轴用2叶螺旋桨比用3叶螺旋桨多的原因之一(3叶的还有个缺点,平衡不好做)



调试完毕,最后安装螺旋桨,安装好后,第一件事是拿手上,轻加油门,看看是否风都往下吹,电机的旋转是否是 正转和反转间隔的。如果剧烈抖动,并且升力很小,就应该是正反浆没有安装对。交换一下。 如果旋转方向不是间隔的,就需要将电调和电机的连接线1和3,交换一下,进行旋转方向校正。 次序为,先方向,后螺旋桨。


拿手上通电,加油门,如果一切正常,四轴是 不会大幅度的晃动的,而是比较平稳。还可以故意左右晃动一下,会感觉到四轴保持平衡的反力量,只要达到这个效果,就基本达到了试飞的条件。kk飞控我复位了好几次,只要没有意外,是基本都能成功的。

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It can sometimes be difficult to know which battery is best for your application.
For R/C aircraft there is a huge variety of batteries available and while many may suit your application your ultimate goal is to purchase a battery pack that will;
-be within your budget 预算之内
-have a long cycle life 使用寿命长
-have the correct size and weight 大小,重量合适
-give you the longest flight times 以上满足的前提下,最长的飞行时间
-be able to deliver the correct voltage/amp (Power) 输出的电流和电压正确
We hope this simple guide helps you understand the different types of LiPoly (Lithium Polymer) batteries and which is right for your model.

You may have noticed by now that batteries have different ratings, sizes, plugs, wire, charge rates and chemical makeup. Lets decipher;

Capacity (mAh). 容量
This is usually the biggest number shown on the pack and is measured in mAh (Milliamp/hour) or Ah (Amp/hour). The capacity is the first indicator of the batteries size. To keep things simple, think of capacity (mAh) as the amount of fuel in your cars gas tank. A higher capacity tank will run your car for longer. A 4,000mAh battery will run for twice as long as a 2,000mAh battery.
A 2,000mah battery will (in theory) run for 1hr if drained at a constant 2,000 Milliamps.

Discharge (C) 放电
Discharge is the amount of power the battery can ‘push’ out and the number shown ’20C’ is an multiplication of the capacity. For example; A 20C battery can discharge at 20 x 2,000mAh which is 40,000mAh or 40Amps.
20C就是20倍电池容量,比如20C的2000mah放电是20*2000 或者40Amps

This is an important number if you know your motor requires a certain power level.
In addition to this, batteries have a ‘Burst’ rate, which is the amount of power the battery can discharge for a short period, usually 10-20 seconds. A typical battery label may show 20-30C, this would mean a 1,000mAh battery can discharge 20,000mAh constantly or give a sudden and short 10-20 second 30,000mAh (30A) burst of power.
Tip: A higher ‘C’ rated battery will last longer if run at a lower ‘C’ rate. Example: a 30C battery run at 20C maximum will have a longer cycle life than a 20C run at 20C each flight.

Voltage (S)电压
All lithium Polymer cells in any industry have a nominal voltage of 3.7v per cell. When fully charged a LiPoly cell should be 4.2v and when discharged it should never be below 3v.
You will notice that LiPoly RC packs are made up of layers of multiple cells. If the battery’s rating is 3S this means it is 3 x 3.7v which is 11.1v. It has 3 layers of 3.7v each. In other words, its a ‘3 cell pack’.
For a battery to be right for your model it must fit within the models battery compartment and also balance the plane correctly.
It’s temping to choose the biggest and most powerful battery your model can handle, but this will sacrafice flight performance and if your packs voltage is too high; destroy the ESC or Motor.
Check with your ESC and Motor specification to ensure you have the right voltage pack then check the models CG (Center of Gravity) to decide on the right battery weight.

LiPoly Charging
Always use a lithium Polymer battery charger and never charge the battery above 4.2v per cell. (example: 2S, never above 8.4v)
Never leave a charging battery unattended.
Never allow the battery’s voltage to fall below 3.2v per cell. (example: 3S, never below 9.6v)

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只要是串口透传(透明传输,不管什么协议,一个只管发,一个只管接),就支持apm数传, 注意要设置默认波特率57600。3DR 和其它433Mhz数传, 基本上是Si1000芯片(带MCU),也可以预设912Mhz频段。其它433芯片也可以使用,理论最距离一般在1000M以内ZigBee/XBee 是基于2.4G频段的,3DR没有使用可能会和2.4G遥控器有干扰,当然贵也是一个原因。我自己先用蓝牙HC-06接APM, 手机就连接DroidPlanner和Ardupilot,电脑有蓝牙的话可以,当然距离很短。后来自己diy了si4463透传模块(mcu用stm8),接收使用si4463+蓝牙,也可以正常接收。

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3D Robotics is thrilled to introduce the Follow Me feature, the latest adventure in autonomous flight. Follow Me mode allows you to be your own one-man aerial film crew: Capture yourself in action, with all the freedom of spontaneity and zero pre-planning, even when there’s no one around to helm the sticks for you. Just select “Follow” in DroidPlanner, strap on your Android phone or throw your tablet in your backpack, and your drone will follow wherever you go—and keep the camera trained on you the whole time! Place your Android device on another vehicle—say a car, boat, or rover—and Follow Me tracks that for you, too.
Best of all, it’s totally free from 3D Robotics, and it’s available today. You just need the beta of the new DroidPlanner 2.0 (free here) and the latest release candidate (3.2 RC 2) version of Arducopter (free here).*

To get the beta of DroidPlanner, please follow these instructions:
1) Join the Google+ community
2) Become a beta tester
3) Download the app from the Play Store (this may take 30 mins or so to go live for you after you become a beta tester)
To get the latest release candidate of Arducopter, select “Beta software” from the firmware upload screen of Mission Planner or APM Planner.
Both of these will be coming out of beta in a few weeks (after the Sparkfun AVC), so if you’d rather not be using beta software, just sit tight and it will automatically come to you with the next public update.
Follow Me frees you to be yourself, by yourself. Happy flying!
*Please note that as advised in the warning notice in Mission Planner and APM-Planner 2, Beta versions and release candidates are by definition unstable and should only be used by expert operators and only to help the developers test the code during the pre-release test cycle in direct coordination with the developers. In those versions, bugs are very likely to be present and the operator should be aware of a significantly higher operational risk and choose location and operation modes for flights accordingly, as well as be prepared for the possibility of undesired behavior of the aircraft and even a catastrophic failure.

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22 Ways Drones Will Change Our World (ZT)


Friendly drones are innovative, cutting edge and afforded with life changing technology.
Just to give you an idea of how they can be of assistance to us, we have listed 22 of their most compelling applications:
1. News Gathering.
Imagine photo-journalists being able to capture bird’s-eye views of breaking news such as national elections, disaster zones and war zones. Aerial coverage of events like these are set to revolutionise news gathering. Example: UK company Aerialvue

2. Energy Conservation.
Drones fitted with infrared sensors are able to scan buildings to detect heat losses. The reported data can then be used to implement energy and money saving building enhancements.

3. Protecting Endangered Wildlife.
Poaching of endangered wildlife such as rhinos and tigers is a major concern. Park Rangers around the world have already begun to successfully use drones to help monitor wildlife habitats. This is proving to be effective at deterring poachers.

4. Aerial Photography.
This is already a booming sector. We all love to see aerial images, and many companies are willing to pay generously for the privilege of having aerial footage of their products and buildings. Aerial photography is also the number one reason why people buy their first drone. It is a great hobby! Example: Award-Winning Aerial Photographer Brent Foster

5. Search and Rescue Assistance.
A drone really could save your life. Search and Rescue teams around the globe are starting to discover how helpful drones can be. Search and rescue times can be massively reduced, and difficult ground conditions can be circumvented. Example: A pioneering search and rescue drone trial by research staff at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)

6. Wildfire Mapping.
Forest fires can be catastrophic. Anything that can help reduce their spread is sure to be readily accepted. Drones fit this category. They are able to fly over wildfires and provide real-time mapping that can allow firefighters to make critical decisions.

7. Providing Internet Access.
Google and Facebook are already moving into this space. Using giant solar-powered drones it appears that in the near future isolated areas will have high-speed internet coverage for the first time. A very promising technology. Example: Solar drone Titan Aerospace Solara 50

8. Relieving Traffic Congestion.
Roads in towns and cities become more crowded and perilous every day. Picture a team of lightweight camera drones that fly high above the congested areas at peak times and relay what they see back to traffic controllers. Faster flowing and safer roads are the likely outcome.

9. Humanitarian Assistance in Disaster Zones.
We’ve all seen how nature can suddenly wreak havoc on a towns, villages and cities. Tsunamis, storms and earthquakes are often devastating and deadly. Drones could be used to fly into the affected areas to provide mapping, to deliver food and aid, and to go where roads may no longer exist. Example: company Matternet

10. Measuring Environmental Pollutants.
Are you really sure what toxins and fumes factories, farms and other industrial sites are releasing into the atmosphere? Drones are designed to measure environmental pollutants could tell you exactly this information. They could also help ensure that companies are not breaching environmental regulations.

11. Tracking Hurricanes and Tropical Storms.
To be forewarned of when and where a storm or hurricane is likely to hit can be a major advantage. Buildings can be protected and people moved out of harm’s way. Unmanned aerial vehicles can fly safely near and above storms to provide vital tracking and monitoring. Example: NASA ERAST Program on Wikipedia

12. Air Delivery.
Yes, Amazon and Jeff Bezos have made delivery by drones a very well known and highly-anticipated development. But it not just Amazon who want to fly things to you. Other companies already experimenting with this new technology include Dominos and DHL. Expect many more. Example: Amazon Prime Air

13. Geophysical Surveys for Oil, Gas and Minerals.
These commodities are becoming increasingly harder to find. Drones make it cheaper and easier for exploration companies to assess suitable areas for test drilling.

14. Aerial Footage in Filmmaking.
What used to be the domain of big-budget Hollywood blockbusters is now within range of even the smallest film production. Drones are rapidly replacing manned planes and helicopters to provide cheap, safe and stunning aerial footage.

15. Livestock Monitoring.
Farmers often leave their livestock unattended for long periods of time. Animals can be stolen, injured or lost without warning. A video drone can provide constant monitoring of livestock, and even track wandering animals.

16. Pipeline Security.
Much of the world’s oil and gas is located in politically unstable and often dangerous regions. Attacks on pipelines are common. Drones can help monitor pipelines and help deter attackers. They can also be used to pinpoint maintenance issues.

17. Delivering Medical Supplies to Hard-to-Reach Areas.
There are many places in the world where roads are either in disrepair or don’t exist at all. People living in remote villages are often cut-off from access to emergency medical care. Drones could prove to be lifesavers. They are able to fly essential medical aid direct to communities who otherwise would be unreachable by land.

18. Event Coverage.
The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics gave us a glimpse into the near future. Video drones were skillfully deployed to capture unique and breathtaking footage of various Olympic events. Other sporting and cultural events are also likely to soon see the benefits of drones and aerial photography. The viewer is the real winner.

19. Urban Planning.
Property developers and planning approvers have a new tool. Drones can take detailed images, surveys and maps of prospective sites. Significant time and effort can be saved by capturing aerial imagery of areas marked for development.

20. Exploring the Undersea World.
Humans are restricted in the depth they can travel in the seas and oceans. Drones are not. Detailed 3D imaging of the ocean depths for monitoring and research are possible with undersea drones. Sea-life can also be safely studied with drones, as in the recent example of Great White Sharks being filmed by scientists off the western coast of Mexico

21. Surveying and Spraying of Crops.
Farmers and drones are already proving to be a winning combination. Using drones over their agricultural land, farmers are able to assess the condition and development of their crops. They can also use the drones for safe and cost-saving crop spraying.

22. Selling Homes.
An aerial video of a home can be both beautiful and a very effective sales tool. The last few years have seen Real Estate agents begin to utilise the power of this new perspective. Buyers love it too, as they can see clearly what is on offer.

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