Archive for 5 月, 2011

Wutong Mountain, Shenzhen Highest Peak, West Hiking Route, 梧桐山 深圳第一高峰 西线登山线路


这个周日,天气不错我又来这里登山,决定这次一定要登顶。我这次走的是经过梧桐山村的登山线路(西线),从停车场出发,上山走的是泰山涧路线,下山走的是传统盘山公路,走得比较慢,特别是上山的路上多次休息,上山花了2小时,下山花了1小时多一点。 下午4点开始,晚上8点结束。  

上山:梧桐山村停车场—梧桐山水库—泰山涧—葫芦池—梧桐顶   线路简介:以前是梧桐山经典的溯溪线路,自泰山涧旁修好台阶后,基本都是走台阶了。沿途风 景优美,林荫茂盛,是夏季登梧桐山的很好路线,开始上上下下比较平坦,最后的一公里比较陡峭,但也是铺好的石头梯子,没有什么危险。山顶气温比较低,不适合久留,山上经常有大雾,能见度很差。

下山:大梧桐顶—好汉坡—盘山公路— 梧桐山村停车场 线路简介:传统的全民健身登山路线,轻松级线路,大部分为公路小部分为山径,安全度高,如果登顶大梧桐后从好汉坡下山,则要注意防滑和身体平衡,尤其是阴雨天更要注意。如果天气好,好汉坡的全程都可以看到大海,深圳罗湖,对面香港的市容。 大梧桐顶下来50米有一个小水潭,叫天池。



At altitude of 944 meters, Wutong Mountain is the highest mountain in Shenzhen. Now there are Forest Park and Sport Park. Standing on the mountainside of Brave Man Slope, you can survey Hong Kong, Dapeng Bay, Yantian Port and Shatoujiao, where you are surrounded with the unrestrained and far-ranging seas and green mountain ranges.

Because it is located close to the downtown area, Wutong has become the first choice of local hike. There are many routes up to the Wutong mountain. Here is the west trail which starts in Wudong Village.

Route 1: Taishan brook route: This route goes along side with Taishan brook. The trail is paved with stone steps. There are clear signs on all the junctions. The signs also list the distance to the peak and the elevation. The last part of the trail is rather step. Because the dense forest that covers the trail, this is a recommended trail in the hot and humid summer.

Route 2: This is the easiest route among all. One can drive up to Brave Man Sloop (好汉坡) which is 1,000 meters away from the peak. The last kilometer is paved with stone steps and offers excellent view of the sea, Luo Hu district and Hongkong in the distance.

By Bus: Taking No. 211 bus from downtown Luo Hu, you can reach the Wutong Mountain Village, which is the terminal station of the bus. Walking through the village, you will find the gate of Wutong Mountain park.
By Car: The Parking lot at Wudong Village is next to the Park entrance.

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现在基于地理信息的应用很火,无论是从google map上获取的地理位置信息,还是通过iphone或Android这类拥有GPS模块的移动终端获取的地理位置信息,都是十进制的经纬度信息。在我们做实际应用时可能需要计算在地球表面某两点间的距离,这里以JavaScript为示例语言,提供计算方法,这也是google map所采用的计算方法。

1. 十进制经纬度转度、分、秒
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

1. function dec2deg(dec){
2. var dec = Math.abs(dec) + “”;
3. dec = dec.split(“.”);
5. var deg = dec[0];
7. dec[1] = “0.”+ dec[1];
8. var min_sec = dec[1] * 3600;
9. var min = Math.floor( min_sec / 60 );
10. var sec = ( min_sec – ( min * 60 ) ) ;
12. return [deg, min, sec];
13. }

function dec2deg(dec){
var dec = Math.abs(dec) + “”;
dec = dec.split(“.”);

var deg = dec[0];

dec[1] = “0.”+ dec[1];
var min_sec = dec[1] * 3600;
var min = Math.floor( min_sec / 60 );
var sec = ( min_sec – ( min * 60 ) ) ;

return [deg, min, sec];

2. 度、分、秒转十进制经纬度
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

1. function deg2dec(deg, min, sec){
2. var deg = Math.abs(deg);
3. var min = Math.abs(min);
4. var sec = Math.abs(sec);
5. return deg * 1 + ( sec * 1 + min * 60 )/3600 ;
6. }

function deg2dec(deg, min, sec){
var deg = Math.abs(deg);
var min = Math.abs(min);
var sec = Math.abs(sec);
return deg * 1 + ( sec * 1 + min * 60 )/3600 ;

3. 计算两点间距离
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1. // 弧度转换
2. function rad(d){
3. return d * Math.PI / 180.0;
4. }
6. // 计算距离,结果的单位为千米(km)
7. function calDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2){
8. if( ( Math.abs( lat1 ) > 90 ) ||( Math.abs( lat2 ) > 90 ) )
9. return false;
11. if( ( Math.abs( lng1 ) > 180 ) ||( Math.abs( lng2 ) > 180 ) )
12. return false;
14. var radLat1 = rad(lat1);
15. var radLat2 = rad(lat2);
16. var a = radLat1 – radLat2;
17. var b = rad(lng1) – rad(lng2);
18. var s = 2 * Math.asin(
19. Math.sqrt(
20. Math.pow( Math.sin( a/2 ), 2 ) + Math.cos( radLat1 ) * Math.cos( radLat2 ) *
21. Math.pow( Math.sin( b/2 ), 2 )
22. )
23. );
24. s = s * 6378.137 ; // 地球半径 6378.137
25. s = Math.round(s * 10000) / 10000;
26. return s;
27. }

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Bijia Shan Scenic Park 深圳 笔架山公园 登山 赏景






交通:笔架山公园离市中心很近,有多辆大巴车可以到达:比如:No 6, 11, 12, 30, 58, 59, 213,216,B615,N6,N12, 等等。

Bijia Shan Scenic Park is located in Futian Shenzhen. Bijia Mountain is 178 meters above sea level. From the peak, one can have an excellent view of the Shenzhen city including landmarks such as Diwang Building. In a clear day, one can see the buildings in HongKong Yuanlang area across the Shenzhen Bay.

The park is densely covered with trees and plants. There are two pools in the park which offers tourists fishing. There are barbecue spots. With its proximity to Shenzhen downtown, Bijia senic park is an excellent escape from the busy city life.

Bijia Scenic Park is easily accessed with many bus routes such as: No 6, 11, 12, 30, 58, 59, 213,216,B615,N6,N12, etc.

Tips:The park is usually crowded during the weekends.

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Sightseeing Trip to Weizhou the Biggest Volcanic Island in China 中国最大火山岛 涠洲岛


涠洲岛位于北海半岛东南面36海里处,是广西最大的海岛,由南至北长65公里,由东至西宽6公里,最高海拔79米,是我国最大最年轻的火山岛。岛上住有 2000多户人家,16000多人口,85%以上都是客家人。岛上气候宜人,资源丰富,风光秀丽,空气清新宜人,旅游资源十分丰富,故素有“大蓬莱”仙岛之称。

位于盛堂村的法国天主教堂,是在19世纪末就落户岛上,材料全部取于岛上的珊瑚、岩石,历经百年岁月,依然坚固如初。四百多年前,明代著名戏剧家汤显祖游览该岛,写下 “日射涠洲廓,风斜别岛洋”的诗句。


Tips: Transportation:
From “Beihai International Port”, there is a speed boat (120RMB) that leaves at 8:15am every day. It will arrive at Weizhou Island 1.5 hours later. There is also a slow boat (80RMB) which will arrive at the island in 3 hours. The entrance ticket for the island is RMB 90/person.

After getting off the boat, there are public transportations (around 20RMB) at the port to take you to the hotels.

Mini bus can be hired to tour the island. 2 hour trip to the main attractions costs 30-40RMB/person or 200/bus. Bikes can be rented for 10RMB/day which is actually the best way to tour the island.

There are plenty of “bed and breakfast” offered by local residents. The cost is about 100RMB/night. Many of them offer proper lunch and seafood dinner. There are also hotels which costs 100RMB/night and up. These hotels are 2 star standard.

Although diving is advertised as an activity, there is no professional diving facility around. In other words, dive at your own risk.

Fishing is possible by hiring a local fishermen’s boat.

Besure to check the weather. The boat will stop in high wind. Although seafood is plenty and fresh, meat and vegi are expensive.

There is no ATM on the island. Please take enough RMB cash.

Want to go to Xianyang Island? Hire a local boat for 500RMB and you will get there in 1 hour. The boat seats 10 person.

交通:广西北海的“国际港码头”每天早上8:15有到涠洲岛的班船,平时一天一班,黄金周时视客人多少,加开2- 5班。快艇1个半小时到,120 元;慢船3小时到,80元。到岛上后有专线车直达住宿的地方,每人收费10至20元。回程有下午16:30回北海的船。票可以提前一天买,散客可以买到快船票。






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Hiking Miyun Taoyuanxiangu 北京 密云 桃源仙谷 徒步路线

密云 桃源仙谷 观峰台


A 4 hour easy hike through heavily wooded trail in Beijing suburb. Perfect weekend getaway

Taoyuanxiangu, (桃源仙谷)located in Miyun County, is 90km away from Beijing downtown. The trail starts from the main gate, winds through heavily wooded area like wild poplars, silver birches, pines, cypresses and clumps, to the Guangfeng Tai Peak (观峰台) at 808 meters above sea level. The trail is 8km long and well marked. There are many scenic sports along the way such as a lake, some waterfalls, and some water ponds.
The area also provides tourists a water entertainment area, called water wonderland. Visitors can swimming, boating, fishing. However, it is crowded with people during the weekends in the Summer (after Jun to Sept.).
Entrance Ticket: 45RMB
How to get there:
By Bus: From Dongzhimen Bus Station -> 980, 987 to Miyun, Take a Taxi to the entrance
By Car:
Slow but free: Jingshun Express Way – > Jingmi Road -> Mixi Road -> LiuXin Road -> Park Entrance
Toll road: Jingchen Highway -> Miyun Exit -> Miyun Reservoir -> Park Entrance (follow the brown signs)

桃源仙谷每年举办的活动是:1—2月举办冰雪活动;3—4月举办桃杏花观赏活动;6—8月举办保护水源活动; 9—10月举办金秋采摘活动;11—12月举办红叶观赏活动。
汽 车:由东直门汽车站→乘坐980、987到密云大剧院——乘面的车到景区。

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北京 798 艺术区 见闻照片和路线

周一下午去北京798 转了转,拍了照片,北京的天气真好。

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云蒙山长城遗址公园登山, Yunmeng Mountain Greatwall Hike

云蒙山长城遗址公园登山, Yunmeng Mountain Greatwall Hike

Located in Miyun County, about 90 KM from Beijing city center. Yunmeng Mountain Great wall Park (云蒙山长城遗址公园) offers tourists magnificent view of the Miyun reservoir, remains of the Great wall that was build in Qi dynasty, variety of vegetations and moderate difficult but well paved hiking trail.

The hike starts at the park entrance (250 meters above sea level). The paved trail winds through wooded hill and ancient rocks. From time to time, you get a clear view of the mountain and the villages below. There are several junctions which are all well marked.
After about 1 hour hike, you will reach the remain of a Ming Dynasty beacon. From this point, you will see the rolling hills, the Miyun reservoir and several lower beacon remains. The magnificent view from this point will make all the effort worth wile.
After resting and enjoying the view, you will follow the sign down the mountain. At one point, you will be able to actually get into one of the beacon and see what the ancient soldiers see. About 1 hour later, you will reach back to the parking lot.

How to get there:
By bus: From Dongzhimen (东直门)Bus station, take # 980 bus. Get off at Miyun bell tower (密云鼓楼) stop. From this point, you will take a taxi to the park entrance (cost about 40RMB) 云蒙山长城遗址公园. Please be sure to get the taxi driver’s cell phone number and call him when you get down. It is rather difficult to wait for the taxi at the park gate.
By car: Take Beijing Chende express way and exit $16. Go north to the Miyun County and follow the blown sign.

Entrance ticket: 25RMB

Other tips:
The peak season is from April 15- Nov. 30. Hardly anybody visit the park during winter except to photograph the great wall in the snow.



京承高速—#16号出口- 密溪路—北京云蒙山长城遗址公园,景区位置在密云县石城镇王庄村。


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深圳绿道 梅林到西丽段徒步线路


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Chaozhou, Guangdong, Old City Tour, 广东 潮州 老城 游览线路

Chaozhou (Chinese: 潮州) is a city in eastern Guangdong province of the People’s Republic of China. It borders Shantou to the south, Jieyang to the southwest, Meizhou to the northwest, the province of Fujian to the east, and the South China Sea to the southeast.

Chaozhou is a famous historical and cultural city in China. The following is the guide for it’s “old city tour”. You can hire a human powered tricycle, rent a bike or simply walk the route to enjoy many historical relics and unique culture of Chaozhou. The “old city” is well preserved. Many local people still live in those century old houses along the narrow alleyways.

The tour is about 1-2 hours. It starts in the Kaiyuan Temple (開元寺) and ends in the same spot. You may wish to visit the Kaiyuan temple last.

This “Chaozhou old city tour” is a must do for anyone visiting Chaozhou. You will enjoy the culture and the architecture that are unique to Chaozhou. If you have not been to Chaozhou, you have not been to Guangdong. If you have not toured the “Chaozhou old city”, you have not been to Chaozhou. Enjoy!

Stop 1: The first stop is the Ming city wall (明城墻) which was first built in Ming dynasty and was rebuilt in the 1990s. There is a section of the old Ming wall remain. You can compare it to the newly build wall. You shall walk up the wall in Guangji Men (广济门城楼). From the top of the wall, you will get a good view of the Guangji Bridge (廣濟橋) and the Mazhu temple (妈祖庙). You can also see the Han River which was named after the great Chinese poet lived in the Tang dynasty. The Guangji Bridge connects the Ming city wall with the Hangong Shire. Here are a few interesting points you shall not miss:
1. The Ming city wall (明城墻), 2.6 kilometers long and was rebuilt in the 1990s.
2. The Mazhu temple (妈祖庙), built inside the Ming wall to worship goddess Mazhu who is believed to live in Chaoshan region. She was believed to performed many good deeds for the locals. She is worshipped as a goddess after her death in southeast China and for Chinese resides in the Southeast Asian countries.
3. Guangzi Bridge (廣濟橋), built in the Southern Song Dynasty (1170 A.D.) was reconstructed in the 1990s.
4. Hangong Ci(韩公祠) is located along Hangjiang river and west of Bijia mountain. It is on the other side of the Han river. This shrine had been constructed since Song Dynasty and become the oldest existing and the most completed reservation memorial of Han Yu, who is the great poet in Tang Dynasty.
In the year of A.D.819, for some political reason, Han Yu was exiled to Chaozhou, a backland at that time. But he was not depressed by this, he helped local people to develop education, agriculture, irrigation and release slaves. To memorize what he had contributed to the development of Chaozhou, people constructed this shrine and name him “Hanwengong” respectfully.   
Stop 2: After an easy stroll on the Ming city wall, you can follow the trail through the old alleyways of the “old Chaozhou city”. The next stop is: Haiyang County Confusion Temple (海阳县儒学宫) or Chaozhou Museum and Changli Old Arch (昌黎旧治坊). You shall not cross the Han river via Guangzi Bridge as the entrance fee is for oneway trip only (you can argue with the ticket conducters, but the results depend). Since the Hangong Ci is on the other side of the Han river, you can only see it from the distance or visit it in the other time.

1. Haiyang County Confusion Temple (海阳县儒学宫) was built in the Song Dynasty (1278AD) and was destroyed in a fire. It was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty (1369AD). Its architecture is heavily influenced by the east Guangdong style with intricate and colorful carvings decorating the ceiling joints. The Chaozhou Museum is located inside the temple.
2. Changli Old Arch(昌黎旧治坊) is located just opposite the gate of the Haiyang County Confusion Temple. This arch was built in Ming Dynasty. There are carvings both in the front and at the back. Changli is the other name for Hangyu. This arch is built in memory of the Tang dynasty poet Hangyu.

You may choose to rest and chipping the Gongfu tea in many stores in front of the Haiyang County Confusion Temple. There is no obligation to buy. If you wish to purchase, please be sure to bargain.

Stop 3: The next stop is Huang Jilue Temple (己略黃公祠)
Huang Jilue Temple (己略黃公祠) is famous for its intricate wood and stone carvings. It was built in Qing dynasty as a resident for a local rich. It is a great example of the architecture style of the east Guangdong.

Stop 4 (last stop): Back to the beginning is the Kaiyuan Temple (開元寺).
Kaiyuan Temple (開元寺) is a Buddhist center embodied with the quintessence of the architectural art of various dynasties such as Tang, Song, Yuan and Qing. This temple is over 200 years old. The temple is also home to the most influential Buddhism Study Institute in Southeast China. Inside, handsome calligraphy and inscribed steles remind visitors that this temple once functioned as the record keeper of the city.

Still want to see more? There is another place along the way that is worth visiting: Xu, Imperial Son-in-law, Mansion (許駙馬府). I will leave that to you to find out the exact location. Hope this will give you a bit more adventure in this trip.
Xu, Imperial Son-in-law, Mansion (許駙馬府), which retains the basic pattern of the architecture of the Song Dynasty.

Important Tips:
1: Please note: you shall not cross the Han river via Guangzi Bridge as the entrance fee is for one way trip only (you can argue with the ticket conductors, but the results depend). Since the Hangong Ci is on the other side of the Han river, you can see it from the distance or visit it in another time.
2: You may choose to rest and chip the Gongfu tea (which is famous in Chaozhou) in many stores in front of the Haiyang County Confusion Temple. There is no obligation to buy. If you wish to purchase, please be sure to bargain.

How to get there:
By Air: Chaozhou has no airport. The closest airport is located in Shantou which is only 30km to Chaozhou city. Every 10 minutes, Shantou bus station has an express bus to Chaozhou.
By train: Guangzhou has 3 trains every day that connect to Chaozhou
By bus: This is actually the preferred way to go to Chaozhou. It is very easy to find buses that connect Chaozhou from Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen and many other cities.
By boat: Chaozhou is connected to Hongkong and Xiamen by boat.

Travel in the city:
Taxi: Chaozhou old town is very small. The Chaozhou railway station is not far from the Kaiyuan temple. The taxis are metered.
Bus: The public bus system is well developed. However, the signs are in Chinese which is rather difficult to navigate for English speakers.
By tricycle: this human powered tricycle is another way to enjoy the city. The drivers will usually tell to you the “secret stories” of the Chaozhou. The “old city tricycle tour” costs 30RMB for 1.5 hour round trip that starts and ends in Kaiyuan temple.
By bike: Bikes can be rent in many small shops.

for the interactive guide, please visit my Chaozhou English guide

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