Hiking Miyun Taoyuanxiangu 北京 密云 桃源仙谷 徒步路线

密云 桃源仙谷 观峰台


A 4 hour easy hike through heavily wooded trail in Beijing suburb. Perfect weekend getaway

Taoyuanxiangu, (桃源仙谷)located in Miyun County, is 90km away from Beijing downtown. The trail starts from the main gate, winds through heavily wooded area like wild poplars, silver birches, pines, cypresses and clumps, to the Guangfeng Tai Peak (观峰台) at 808 meters above sea level. The trail is 8km long and well marked. There are many scenic sports along the way such as a lake, some waterfalls, and some water ponds.
The area also provides tourists a water entertainment area, called water wonderland. Visitors can swimming, boating, fishing. However, it is crowded with people during the weekends in the Summer (after Jun to Sept.).
Entrance Ticket: 45RMB
How to get there:
By Bus: From Dongzhimen Bus Station -> 980, 987 to Miyun, Take a Taxi to the entrance
By Car:
Slow but free: Jingshun Express Way – > Jingmi Road -> Mixi Road -> LiuXin Road -> Park Entrance
Toll road: Jingchen Highway -> Miyun Exit -> Miyun Reservoir -> Park Entrance (follow the brown signs)

桃源仙谷每年举办的活动是:1—2月举办冰雪活动;3—4月举办桃杏花观赏活动;6—8月举办保护水源活动; 9—10月举办金秋采摘活动;11—12月举办红叶观赏活动。
汽 车:由东直门汽车站→乘坐980、987到密云大剧院——乘面的车到景区。

到 everytrail.com 看大图

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北京 798 艺术区 见闻照片和路线

周一下午去北京798 转了转,拍了照片,北京的天气真好。

Comments (2)

北京 桃源 仙谷 徒步路线

这个周末回到北京,和登山队的人一起去了位于密云的桃源仙谷徒步,经过几天的北京桑拿天,今天的天气非常凉爽,本来说要下雨,可是我们登山的时候没有下,倒是昨天晚上下了,所以空气非常清新,能见度极高,登到山顶可以看到远处密云水库和连绵不断的大山,还有一段段野长城。这是我的Nokia N71 记录的轨迹和具体参数:
Start Date/Time: 31.07.2010 / 13:22:09
Finish Date/Time: 31.07.2010 / 17:19:37
Duration: 3hr 57min
Distance: 8.8 km(1992 points)
Country: China
City: Beijing
GPS Device: NokiaE71-1
Views: 0
Photos: 8
Waypoints: 0
Altitude (average): 543.3 m
Altitude (max): 799.5 m
Speed (average): 2.2 km/h
Speed (max): 16.1 km/h
Easternmost Point: 116.805292
Northernmost Point: 40.545436
Westernmost Point: 116.768165
Southernmost Point: 40.5372


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北京 桃源 仙谷 徒步路线

这个周末回到北京,和登山队的人一起去了位于密云的桃源仙谷徒步,经过几天的北京桑拿天,今天的天气非常凉爽,本来说要下雨,可是我们登山的时候没有下,倒是昨天晚上下了,所以空气非常清新,能见度极高,登到山顶可以看到远处密云水库和连绵不断的大山,还有一段段野长城。这是我的Nokia N71 记录的轨迹和具体参数:
Start Date/Time: 31.07.2010 / 13:22:09
Finish Date/Time: 31.07.2010 / 17:19:37
Duration: 3hr 57min
Distance: 8.8 km(1992 points)
Country: China
City: Beijing
GPS Device: NokiaE71-1
Views: 0
Photos: 8
Waypoints: 0
Altitude (average): 543.3 m
Altitude (max): 799.5 m
Speed (average): 2.2 km/h
Speed (max): 16.1 km/h
Easternmost Point: 116.805292
Northernmost Point: 40.545436
Westernmost Point: 116.768165
Southernmost Point: 40.5372


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深圳 南山 公园 登山 路线和照片


深圳 大南山 公园 山顶 风景

深圳 大南山 公园 登山路线 之一

这是我登山的路线和手机(Nokia E71)拍摄的图片。我这次只到了其中的一个峰,并非主峰。


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