Archive for 8 月, 2013

The Paradox of Wearable Technologies 可穿戴技术与人类认知 Don Norman

Can devices like Google Glass augment our activities without ­distracting us from the physical world?

这是Don Norman 最近些的关于可穿戴技术与人类认知的文章。

Ever talk to someone at a party or conference reception only to discover that he or she is constantly scanning the room, looking this way and that, perhaps finding you boring, perhaps looking for someone more important? Doesn’t the person realize that you notice?

Welcome to the new world of wearable computers, where we will tread uneasily as we risk continual distraction, continual diversion of attention, and continual blank stares in hopes of achieving focused attention, continual enhancement, and better interaction, understanding, and retention. Google’s latest hardware toy, Glass, which has received a lot of attention, is only the beginning of this challenge. 可穿戴技术可能带来的是分心,注意力不集中,甚至大脑空白。

Actually, it isn’t the beginning—this stuff has been around for over a decade. In my former roles as a cognitive scientist and vice president of technology at Apple, and now as a management consultant in product design, I visit research laboratories at companies and universities all over the world. I’ve experienced many of these devices. I’ve worn virtual-reality goggles that had me wandering through complex computerized mazes, rooms, and city streets, as well as augmented realities where the real world was overlaid with information. 可穿戴技术已经有10多年的历史了,如虚拟空间。

And yes, I’ve worn Google Glass. Unlike “immersive” displays that capture your full attention, Glass is deliberately designed to be inconspicuous and nondistracting. The display is only in the upper right of the visual field, the goal being to avoid diverting the user’s attention and to provide relevant supplementary information only when needed. 谷歌的glass在设计的时候就强调不要干扰正常的行为,而是在需要的时候提供补充信息。

Even so, the risk of distracting the user is significant. And once Google allows third-party developers to provide applications, it loses control over the ways in which these will be used. Sebastian Thrun, who was in charge of Google’s experimental projects when Glass was conceived, told me that while he was on the project, he insisted that Glass provide only limited e-mail functionality, not a full e-mail system. Well, now that outside developers have their hands on it, guess what one of the first things they did with it was? Yup, full e-mail.

It’s a great myth that people can multi-task without any loss in the quality of their work. Numerous psychology experiments show that when two relatively complex tasks are done at the same time, performance deteriorates measurably. Some of these experiments were done by me, back when I was a practicing cognitive scientist. David Strayer, whose research group at the University of Utah has studied these issues for decades, has shown that hands-free phones are just as distracting as handheld ones, and using one while driving is just as bad as driving while drunk.

Even pairs of tasks as simple as walking and talking can show performance decrement: it happens to me all the time. While I am thinking or deep in conversation on my morning walk, I often stop walking when I get to difficult and profound thoughts. The stopping is subconscious, perceived only when my conscious mind breaks its concentration to notice that the walking has halted. Psychologist (and Nobel laureate) Danny Kahneman notes in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow that he discovered he couldn’t think at all when he walked too fast. He had to slow down to allow new thoughts.
走路都能影响人的思考,人走得太快, 比如跑步,就无法思考了。

If performing tasks simultaneously is so deleterious, why do people maintain that they can do it without any deterioration? Well, it is for somewhat the same reason that drunk drivers think they can drive safely: monitoring our own performance is yet another task, and it suffers. The impairment in mental skills makes it difficult to notice the impairment.

So while the supplementary, just-in-time information provided by wearable computers seems wonderful, as we come to rely upon it more and more, we can lose engagement with the real world. Sure, it is nice to be reminded of people’s names and perhaps their daughter’s recent skiing accident, but while I am being reminded, I am no longer there—I am somewhere in ether space, being told what is happening.

Years ago, I wrote a piece called “I Go to a Sixth Grade Play” in which I discussed the parents so anxiously video-recording their children in the play that they didn’t experience the event until the next day. Detached engagement is not the same thing as full engagement; it lacks the emotional dimension.

Much of what is being done with wearable devices is ­happening simply because it can be done.

There is a flip side to this argument, however. It is that when implemented and used mindfully, wearable technology can enhance our abilities significantly. Thad Starner, a wearable-computer champion who has worn these devices for almost a quarter-century and was a technical advisor to Google Glass, sent me comments on an early draft of this article. “I am very bad at multitasking,” he said, noting that when he attends a lecture, “[by] putting the physical focus of the display at the depth of the blackboard and having a fast text entry method, I could (suddenly) both pay attention and take good notes.” He did far better than he could with paper and pencil, which forced his attention to shift from notebook to blackboard. He then reminded me of a conversation we had on this topic in 2002. I didn’t remember the conversation, so he described the interaction, reminding me of both his comments and my responses.

How can Starner remember the details of a conversation from more than 10 years ago? He takes notes during his conversations, one hand in his pocket typing away on a special keyboard. The result is that during any interaction, he is far more focused and attentive than many of my non-computer-wearing colleagues: the act of taking notes forces him to concentrate upon the content of the interaction. Moreover, he has records of his interactions, allowing him to review what took place—which is how he “remembered” our decade-old conversation. (See the Q&A with Starner, and “You Will Want Google Goggles.”)

Without the right approach, the continual distraction of multiple tasks exerts a toll. It takes time to switch tasks, to get back what attention theorists call “situation awareness.” Interruptions disrupt performance, and even a voluntary switching of attention from one task to another is an interruption of the task being left behind.

Furthermore, it will be difficult to resist the temptation of using powerful technology that guides us with useful side information, suggestions, and even commands. Sure, other people will be able to see that we are being assisted, but they won’t know by whom, just as we will be able to tell that they are being assisted, and we won’t know by whom.

Eventually we will be able to eavesdrop on both our own internal states and those of others. Tiny sensors and clever software will infer emotional and mental states. Worse, the inferences will often be wrong: many factors could cause a person’s pulse rate to go up or skin conductance to change, but technologists are apt to focus upon a simple, single interpretation.

Is this what we want? People staring blankly at the real world as their virtual minders tell them what is happening? We are entering unknown territory, and much of what is being done is happening simply because it can be done.

In the end, either wearable technologies will be able to augment our experiences and focus our attention on a current task and the people with whom we are interacting, or they’ll distract us—diverting our attention through tasty morsels of information that are irrelevant to the current activity.

When technologies are used to supplement our activities, when the additional information being provided is of direct relevance, our attention can become more highly focused and our understanding and retention enhanced. When the additional information is off target, no matter how enticing it is, that’s the distracting and disruptive side.

I like to look on the positive side of technology. I even wrote a book, Things That Make Us Smart, about the power of artifacts to enhance human abilities. I am fully dependent upon modern technologies, because they make me more powerful, not less. By taking away the dreary, unessential parts of life, I can concentrate upon the important, human aspects. I can direct high-level activities and strategies and maintain friendships with people all over the world. That’s the focused side. On the other hand, I spend many hours each day simply keeping up with people who continually contact me, almost always with interesting comments, news, and invitations, but nonetheless exceeding my ability to cope and distracting me from my primary activities. Yes, I welcome these distractions because they are a pleasant diversion from the hard work of writing, thinking, and decision-making, but procrastination, even though it’s enjoyable, does not help get the work done. I already had to hire a human assistant to help keep me focused. Will the continual stream of messages from wearable devices prove to be irresistible, diverting me from my work, or will they amplify my abilities?

A standard response is to put the burden on the individual: it is our responsibility to use technology responsibly. I agree in theory, but not in practice. I know all too well the temptations of distraction—all that fascinating news, all those friends who send me status reports and wish me to respond with my own. I find it easy to succumb—anything to avoid the difficult, dreary concentration required to accomplish anything of value. I’ve often had to unplug my computer from the Internet to complete my work. The providers of these technologies must share the burden of responsible design.

Can wearable devices be helpful? Absolutely. But they can also be horrid. It all depends upon whether we use them to focus and augment our activities or to distract. It is up to us, and up to those who create these new wearable wonders, to decide which it is to be.

This review was revised on August 19, 2013.

Don Norman is a cognitive science professor (UC San Diego, Northwestern) turned executive (Apple vice president) turned designer (IDEO Fellow), and author of 20 books, including Living with Complexity and The Design of Everyday Things. He can be found at
Don Norman 是一个认知心理学家,教授(UC San Diego, Northwestern),公司高管(Apple)和设计师(IDEO)

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Wearable Tech Conference and Expo: The Latest in Wearable Tech Devices 2013年纽约可穿戴式电脑展

The Wearable Technology Conference that has just concluded in New York City, brought together leaders in healthcare, fashion, sports, and technology to discuss recent technological advancements and showcase cutting edge wearable devices. Below are examples of some of the most interesting ones:

miCoach Elite System — Adidas
Qaizar Hassonjee, VP Innovation, Wearable Sports Electronics, Adidas presented the miCoach Elite System, a monitoring system that can track physiological measures and player performance for an entire team in real-time. Measurements include heart rate, speed, distance, acceleration, field position, power, and player efficiency and are instantly sent to a coach’s tablet. This cutting-edge innovation consists of small sensors that fit in each player’s base layer and wirelessly transmit physiological data to a portable central base station for analysis. The system provides a coach with key insights during games and training to help teams to attain and maintain peak physical performance.

Cynaps Enhance — Max Virtual
Mike Freeman, CEO and Product Developer, Max Virtual presented Cynaps Enhance that was described as a far superior and low-cost solution for conductive hearing loss. Designed to fit into a hat, it amplifies and directs sound to the inner ear through vibration. The ear-free operation includes dual microphones that provide stereo sound and allow for location awareness. Cynaps Enhance was the Winner of the “Best in Show” and the “Audience Choice” Awards at the 2013 Wearable Tech Expo.

Shine — Misfit Wearables
Sonny Vu, CEO, Misfit Wearables Corporation introduced Shine, “the world’s most elegant physical activity monitor.” The Shine is designed to encourage people to set activity goals and complete them. A user can see how active s/he has been throughout the day with a simple tap. It is carved out of aircraft-grade aluminum, slightly larger than a quarter, battery-powered, and can be worn with a variety of accessories such as a clasp, a sport band, a leather band, or a necklace. The Shine physical activity monitor received the “Best Device Award” at the 2013 Wearable Tech Expo.
技术:三轴加速度传感器,携带方法:手表式,功能:记录个人的运动次数和频率,目标人群:喜欢数据又对于健身感兴趣的办公室人员。通讯:手机,app store 下载

HC1 Headset Computer — Motorola Solutions
Nicole Tricoukes, Senior Maverick, Motorola Solutions, demonstrated the HC1 Headset Computer. This hands-free wearable computer allows users to access virtually any information and leverages advanced voice recognition, head gestures and video streaming to allow users to access and view documents and schematics, watch instructional videos, and record and/or send real-time still images or video. Designed for environments where accessing information from a laptop is not safe or feasible, the device targets industrial users such as field technicians who can receive expert assistance on-site almost instantly or public safety teams who can practice crisis scenarios and get real-time trainer feedback.

PLT labs — Plantronics
Cary Bran, Senior Director of Innovation, New Ventures, Plantronics described a context-aware wearable, software platform for smart headsets with applications in a range of industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and financial services. Plantronics’ smart headsets use a variety of sensors with head tracking, gyro, and compass capabilities, to create new user experiences. Plantronics received the “Best Application Award” at the 2013 Wearable Tech Expo.

While wearable devices are still in their early phase of development, it is clear that the success of these devices will depend on three important factors: (1) Behavioral changes required from the user to interact with a wearable device, (2) Advantages of the interface of wearable devices, e.g., smart headset, smart watch, over existing interfaces such as smart phones or tablets, and (3) Identification of the best applications for the consumer and the enterprise market.
1: 人们和电脑交互的界面要改变,人们的行为也要改变,如:鼠标,键盘对于传统台式或者笔记本电脑,触摸屏对于平板电脑和智能手机,下一个交互场景是什么呢?

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如果你把世界上最好的20位铁人三项选手放在同一个游泳池游泳训练,你将看到20个不同游泳风格。 但他们会游得很快,他们的技术绝不是完美的,而且每个人都不同。但也有一些共同点,那就是:他们每天游泳大约90分钟,并已经这样做了多年。




你的动作频率是受你的游泳素质的体现 – 如果你的游泳素质好,你可以更快,更有力的双臂划水。




前50米,45个动作,43秒,动作频率=1.05个动作/秒, 动作行程=1.1米/动作

后50米,52个动作,50秒,动作频率=1.04个动作/秒, 动作行程=0.96米/动作

比如:Garmin Swim (手表)

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映趣科技正式发表 inWatch One 智能手表:Android 4.0 定制系统、200 万像素相机、支持 GSM 网络


可穿戴式设备是当下市场的一个热点,对商机嗅觉敏感的国产厂商自然是不会错过这一块「蛋糕」啦。今天来自深圳的映趣科技就为我们带来了一款名为 inWatch One 的智能手表新品,这款设备配备了双核 1.2GHz 处理器和分辨率为 240 x 240 的 1.54 吋电容式触控屏幕。其余规格则有 1GB RAM、8GB 内建存储空间、200 万像素相机。inWatch One 采用了 500mAh 电池,支持充电器、USB 及无线充电。按照官方的说法,其续航时间可达 36 至 48 小时,待机时间最长为 120 小时。连线能力方面,它支持 GSM 网络(没错,可以插 SIM 卡打电话)、Wi-Fi、蓝牙和 GPS,至于运行的系统则是基于 Android 4.0 定制的 inDroid 系统。

和许多腕戴式设备一样,inWatch One 配有多个可用于追踪人体健康数据的内建感应器。除此之外,它还支持多款热门应用,包括微信、新浪微博、QQ、百度音乐等在国内十分流行的 App 均出现在了 inWatch 的应用中心之中。发售信息方面,从今天开始消费者已可在官网上购买到 inWatch One 这款产品,它共有红、蓝、金、白、银、黑这六种配色,售价为人民币 1,788 元。另外,还有一款蓝牙版的 inWatch BT(跳转后可见产品照)将会从八月月末起接受预定,价格为 688 元

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深圳映趣科技率先于8月8日在北京798正式发布inWatch智能腕表。索尼和三星将分别于8月底和9月初推出各自的智能手表。据悉,索尼这款新品已是索尼SmartWatch的第二代产品,其造型跟上一代基本一致,但这次索尼公司为其加入了NFC功能,能通过一触连接功能与Android手机完成配对,还可以配合蓝牙用手机处理来电、接听和回电等功能,也能查阅短信、邮件、日程和天气。除此之外,新浪微博和人人等社交媒体的好友状态也可在上面查看。更值得注意的一个信息是,近日有消息称,根据三星最新提交的一份商标注册文件,该公司正在研发的智能手表或将被命名为Galaxy Gear。9月4日,三星将发布一款新的Galaxy设备,该设备很有可能是智能手表。



平台的本质就是一个互动网络。平台搭建得好,会产生难以估量的盈利。我们从之前的电脑平台、手机平台已经看到这种力量的惊人。比如,微软的windows由于无数软件企业在其平台上开发游戏和各种应用软件,几乎垄断了个人计算机操作系统市场。苹果的app store也聚集了无数企业和个人为苹果的iPhone、 iTouch、 iPad用户开发应用程序和软件,使得iPhone的用户急剧增加,同时也为苹果带来了巨额的收入。相信可穿戴设备普及之后,相应的应用程序和软件也将带来可观的收入。












此外,FPC概念的丹邦科技和得润电子,MEMS概念还有金龙机电,有望切入谷歌眼镜供应链的德赛电池,具有柔性电路板生产的工艺技术研究和经验的超华科技,涉足可穿戴设备相关芯片的北京君正、中颖电子,以及供应无线通信模组的环旭电子等。(记者 郭娴洁)

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(1)在android 端装上微信,在微信的设置->功能->通讯录安全助手->进入安全助手->备份
(2)在iphone 端装上微信 ,然后在iphone的设置->隐私->通讯录->打开微信访问权限。

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