As said, you can swing faster with a heavier racket that is headlight than a lightweight racket that is head heavy. erbium doped fiber amplifier
So your racket is fine.
Relax your grip and hitting arm more, to get rackethead speed. With more rackethead speed, you need to hit with more topspin, to keep the ball in, so maybe a change to SW grip from your current Eastern grip.
If you want to swing slow, keep your current Eastern grip.
Especially on serves, you need a real Continental grip and really twist inward …pronate.. with your hitting arm to get the racket head speed.
I see waaaaaaaaaay to many easy misses in your vids, so lotsa practice, watch the ball, and don’t give away points to 70 mph serves. (LeeD)
On forehand and serve.
On your forehand, definitely work on get your shoulders turn more during your take back because you’re consistently arming the ball on your forehand rather than generating power from your rotation. Also, your follow through is somewhat inconsistent. You should be finishing your stroke above your left shoulder. You should position your left hand above your left shoulder after you initiate your stroke and then catch your racquet into your left hand. Also, you will occasionally tack on a windshield-wiper-like follow through to your stroke. Maybe you’ve seen pros do this, but you should not do this. You are not hitting a ww. You are just tacking on the follow through at the end, and this will destroy your consistency. Focus on catching the racquet in the left hand above the left shoulder to improve consistency of your stroke and eliminate these tendencies.
On your serve, you are opening your palm and the face of your racquet up to the sky during your upswing. This is preventing you from getting a good racquet drop to initiate your forward swing. Also, when you follow through, you should tuck your left arm across your belly and keep it there until the follow through is complete. Your serving arm should come over your left arm at the end of the motion. (rubberduckies)
On backhand:
1) You have to lean into the backhand. This mean ALL of your weight is on your front foot (right in your case) at contact.
2) More hip shoulder rotation. You want to be showing your opponent the back of your shirt.
3) Bring your none hitting hand back or focus on popping your chest out.
1:我的第一个老板是个土耳其人,那时非常年轻,从Purdue毕业刚过来当助理教授,还没有Tenure,所以工作非常用功,经常给我们说:Don’t work too hard. Do work very very hard. 他自己每天晚上在实验室都是12点以后才走,我们学生也没有办法,只好和他一样耗着。明尼苏达冬天非常冷,晚上可达零下20度。而且我没有车,晚上回家路上要走3公里,回去路上太冷,说句不好听的话,当时真想嫁给卖火柴的小女孩。这个老师有两个不好,第一:非常抠门,想办法只给一半的钱还让我们做全部的工作,第二:也是我们最反感的,就是全部论文都是他自己的第一作者。真正做事的研究生只能排在第二,所以我后来拿到硕士,不坎忍受压迫,走人。这个教授现在是正教授。不过后来他的学生很少,名声很坏,没有一个美国或中国的学生跟他,只有从中东国家或印度招。
2:我遇到的第二个老板是个印度教授,当时已经是Full professor. 快退休了,自己年轻的时候还回去印度做过生意,失败以后回美国大学等退休。无欲则刚,所以压力很小,有时间对我谆谆教导,并用切身经历告诉我美国大学的黑暗和金钱的重要性,让我很早就打消了在美国当教授的想法。他积极鼓励我出去挣钱。在我拿到博士以后,我去拜访他,让他给我一点人生的忠告,他给我说: Go and make some real money! 在他眼中,大学里面的钱不是real money.他现在应该退休了。