


在回家的路上,我觉得我根本没有必要每天去上班。也许我不在现场,我的团队的成果会更好,基本上就是MBA, (不在场管理)。这样,我就可以实现我理想中的生活:每年去世界各地旅行,一次2-3个月,释放自我,享受彻底的自由。


Upon returning from a 25 days’ trip in Europe, I spent the next day sleeping for 12 hours (that might be the longest sleep I have ever had in one day).

I went to the office in the second day and held a series of meetings with my students. Most of them are doing just fine without me. The projects and their research are being progressed according to the schedule. I spent only 2 hours in the office and achieved all the objectives that I have set forward a month ago, before I left for the trip.

Driving back home, an idea came up to my mind that there is no reason for me to show up at work every day. Perhaps, to make it even better, I could disappear from work while the work is done with better result without me. I can do MBA (manage by absence) which will allow me to enjoy the ultimate life style:total freedom, travelling all over the world for extended period of time, like 2 – 3 months for each time and having the perfect life style that I have always dreamed of.

My world can run and can be even better without me! That is truly a scary but interesting thought. Could it be a better thing?



  1. Stone Jiang said,

    13 8 月, 2007 @ 5:06 上午

    我在网上下载到 About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design,正准备按照您的建议学习。期待能有更多和您交流的机会。

    Stone Jiang.

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