Sightseeing Trip to Weizhou the Biggest Volcanic Island in China 中国最大火山岛 涠洲岛


涠洲岛位于北海半岛东南面36海里处,是广西最大的海岛,由南至北长65公里,由东至西宽6公里,最高海拔79米,是我国最大最年轻的火山岛。岛上住有 2000多户人家,16000多人口,85%以上都是客家人。岛上气候宜人,资源丰富,风光秀丽,空气清新宜人,旅游资源十分丰富,故素有“大蓬莱”仙岛之称。

位于盛堂村的法国天主教堂,是在19世纪末就落户岛上,材料全部取于岛上的珊瑚、岩石,历经百年岁月,依然坚固如初。四百多年前,明代著名戏剧家汤显祖游览该岛,写下 “日射涠洲廓,风斜别岛洋”的诗句。


Tips: Transportation:
From “Beihai International Port”, there is a speed boat (120RMB) that leaves at 8:15am every day. It will arrive at Weizhou Island 1.5 hours later. There is also a slow boat (80RMB) which will arrive at the island in 3 hours. The entrance ticket for the island is RMB 90/person.

After getting off the boat, there are public transportations (around 20RMB) at the port to take you to the hotels.

Mini bus can be hired to tour the island. 2 hour trip to the main attractions costs 30-40RMB/person or 200/bus. Bikes can be rented for 10RMB/day which is actually the best way to tour the island.

There are plenty of “bed and breakfast” offered by local residents. The cost is about 100RMB/night. Many of them offer proper lunch and seafood dinner. There are also hotels which costs 100RMB/night and up. These hotels are 2 star standard.

Although diving is advertised as an activity, there is no professional diving facility around. In other words, dive at your own risk.

Fishing is possible by hiring a local fishermen’s boat.

Besure to check the weather. The boat will stop in high wind. Although seafood is plenty and fresh, meat and vegi are expensive.

There is no ATM on the island. Please take enough RMB cash.

Want to go to Xianyang Island? Hire a local boat for 500RMB and you will get there in 1 hour. The boat seats 10 person.

交通:广西北海的“国际港码头”每天早上8:15有到涠洲岛的班船,平时一天一班,黄金周时视客人多少,加开2- 5班。快艇1个半小时到,120 元;慢船3小时到,80元。到岛上后有专线车直达住宿的地方,每人收费10至20元。回程有下午16:30回北海的船。票可以提前一天买,散客可以买到快船票。





