Wutong Mountain, Shenzhen Highest Peak, West Hiking Route, 梧桐山 深圳第一高峰 西线登山线路


这个周日,天气不错我又来这里登山,决定这次一定要登顶。我这次走的是经过梧桐山村的登山线路(西线),从停车场出发,上山走的是泰山涧路线,下山走的是传统盘山公路,走得比较慢,特别是上山的路上多次休息,上山花了2小时,下山花了1小时多一点。 下午4点开始,晚上8点结束。  

上山:梧桐山村停车场—梧桐山水库—泰山涧—葫芦池—梧桐顶   线路简介:以前是梧桐山经典的溯溪线路,自泰山涧旁修好台阶后,基本都是走台阶了。沿途风 景优美,林荫茂盛,是夏季登梧桐山的很好路线,开始上上下下比较平坦,最后的一公里比较陡峭,但也是铺好的石头梯子,没有什么危险。山顶气温比较低,不适合久留,山上经常有大雾,能见度很差。

下山:大梧桐顶—好汉坡—盘山公路— 梧桐山村停车场 线路简介:传统的全民健身登山路线,轻松级线路,大部分为公路小部分为山径,安全度高,如果登顶大梧桐后从好汉坡下山,则要注意防滑和身体平衡,尤其是阴雨天更要注意。如果天气好,好汉坡的全程都可以看到大海,深圳罗湖,对面香港的市容。 大梧桐顶下来50米有一个小水潭,叫天池。



At altitude of 944 meters, Wutong Mountain is the highest mountain in Shenzhen. Now there are Forest Park and Sport Park. Standing on the mountainside of Brave Man Slope, you can survey Hong Kong, Dapeng Bay, Yantian Port and Shatoujiao, where you are surrounded with the unrestrained and far-ranging seas and green mountain ranges.

Because it is located close to the downtown area, Wutong has become the first choice of local hike. There are many routes up to the Wutong mountain. Here is the west trail which starts in Wudong Village.

Route 1: Taishan brook route: This route goes along side with Taishan brook. The trail is paved with stone steps. There are clear signs on all the junctions. The signs also list the distance to the peak and the elevation. The last part of the trail is rather step. Because the dense forest that covers the trail, this is a recommended trail in the hot and humid summer.

Route 2: This is the easiest route among all. One can drive up to Brave Man Sloop (好汉坡) which is 1,000 meters away from the peak. The last kilometer is paved with stone steps and offers excellent view of the sea, Luo Hu district and Hongkong in the distance.

By Bus: Taking No. 211 bus from downtown Luo Hu, you can reach the Wutong Mountain Village, which is the terminal station of the bus. Walking through the village, you will find the gate of Wutong Mountain park.
By Car: The Parking lot at Wudong Village is next to the Park entrance.
