Archive for 经济政治




我平常对于品牌根本不关心。应为我的工作性质,我基本不去见客户,也没有很多应酬,所以不需要那么多名牌。我买这两套是因为面料,做工和尺寸完全符合我的 要求,而且天气变暖,白天还要人模狗样的去当人类灵魂工程师,我需要换洗的西服。而其他的西服都是全毛的,必须送去干洗,天天穿去讲课不划算,这两套西服 的面料都是50%的棉,50%的涤纶,裤子可以机洗,非常适合我的需求。

西装这个东西不像其他的衣服,穿的次数非常少,所以质量不是那么重要,关键是样式和做工。我很喜欢这个款式,首先是欧版的设计,就是缩腰,贴身, 后面开衩,而且肩比较挺,我仔细看过做工,十分工整和精良。回到北京,我把西服给我一个朋友看,他以前在美资银行上班,经常穿真的阿玛尼西服,所以有些经 验,他左看右看,还是看不出真假。


我分析这是很好的仿制品,假的阿马尼面料,小工厂生产的。但是我在现场试了好几种尺寸的“阿玛尼西服“,发现尺寸都是按照要求设计的,证明这些西 服都有很好的质量控制。其实西服的生产工艺非常简单,本身成本只是面料和人工。而人工可以用流水线的方法降低成本,面料的话,阿马尼的面料基本都是意大利 的进口


这些年来,世界的工厂都搬来中国,作为中国人,我认为根本没有必要化那个钱,买什么国际知名品牌。前不久,我买了一套全毛的西服,是北京的一个大 厂生产的,欧洲的版式,质量上乘,做工精良,只要900元,同样的西服,我看在美国的Man’s Warehouse. 最少要$400USD,我现在家里的电器也基本上是国内的品牌,质量也非常好,随着中国的产品质量的提高,以后越来越没有必要买国外的品牌。比如汽车,我 就很喜欢华晨出品的“中华”车,样式和价格都非常吸引人。




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每年一次,我被邀请去参加一个晚宴,在一个法国餐馆,有一个英国的广告公司的头请几个人在一起吃吃饭,讲一讲中国发展的大问题。在座的有美国某超大IT公 司亚太区的市场总监(美国人),英国某著名经济周刊的北京社长(英国人),和英国的某知名广告公司的中国区负责人(英国人)。我呢,算是代表学术界和中国 人。

每年吃饭都谈一些关于中国发展的问题,然后写成一篇文章,内参。我已经参加过一次,这次又邀请我,我觉得这些老外看的东西比较深,而且对中国也很了解,谈的话题也很有趣, 特别是我对这本杂志对中国的一些问题的看法不以为然,也想当面问问这个社长,就同意前往。

1年多没见,大家见面以后寒暄几句,IT公司的市场总监说他刚从日本回来,觉得东京真是人多,他在北京住了很多年,据报道,北京也有1千4百万人 口,可是他明显感到没有东京人多。经济周刊的北京社长也是在中国多年,到过很多边远地区,马上说,现在很多农村也没多少人,除了大城市以外的农村,有时开 车很远都没有村子,广告公司的头又说,他去过印度,明显感觉比中国人口密度大,城市,农村到处是人,但是中国城里,农村没感觉那么多。

我马上想到看过的一些报道,说中国用世界上8%的耕地养活了22%的人口?仔细想一项,这可能吗?我们知道一块土地上生产的粮食基本上是一定的, 而且世界各地的产量应该差不多,中国不可能比别的国家亩产多几倍。到中国的大城市一看,天天灯红酒绿,餐馆生意兴隆,郊县的地方好像也没有听说吃不饱饭 的,中国是如何实现用世界上8%的耕地养活了22%的人口?产量不可能是别人的几倍,耕地是一个定数,只有一个变量就是人口。








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Hello All:

I am very glad to hear that you guys had a wonderful time in CA. I went to ShenZhen, Zhuhai, Guangzhou to witness the latest capitalism in China during the summer vacation. I then went to Kunming, Dali, LiJiang, Chendu and Xian for a half mouth back packing tour.

I agree with Ping that the chance for an IT guy to get rich in the silicon valley is rather slim. I also believe that the future belongs to China. Along the way in my journey into the south and west of China, I have met many Chinese people including businessmen, school teachers, street vendors, government officials. I can tell you one thing, China is booming with energy and all the people are busy doing something. With the correct government policy, this country is moving ahead at the extraordinary speed. As the old saying, when the tide goes up, it lifts all the boats. So, I will stay here to ride with the wave.

I recently read articles on Business2.0 and BusinessWeek. They have stories on how the American entrepreneurs are making it in China. Good articles with stories from real life. China is not full of gold on the street waiting for us to pick, but with persistence and hard-working, it offers countless possibilities.

The larger trends in China are:
1: The rise of the middle class. The family who has an apartment or a house, a car, enough food, enjoys traveling twice a year sometimes outside of the country. This class will demand products and services that we have never seem before. Have you noticed that China has huge amount of message paroles, restraints, travel agents, car dealers, outdoor stores, English training centers. All these services are designed for the rising middle class. With the buying power in China as 1 to 5, the middle class is defined as whom the household income is over 20,000 USD including the gray income.

2: The heavy foreign direct investment flooding into the country. With the political stability of the country and the internal problems slowly been worked-out, investment in China is going to look very attractive. Many of the investment opportunists that I personally looked at have 20% or more returns of investment. Compare this with average 10% in the US or much less in the rest of the world, China is looking more and more attractive. 10 years ago, China is a land for opportunists, now with the law and order in place; it will be the land for interferers and businessmen.

3: The dominance in the manufacturing and soon in the research and development area. If you go to Guangdong, ShenZhen and look at how the Chinese work in their factories, you will understand why this world is going to bow to the Chinese price. Small or big, with the labor cost nearly zero, the factories are using almost all the western style management such as Kanban, JIT, and quality control. One of the small workshop owners told me he is thinking of flatting me the management chain so that his front line worker can communicate with him directly. This is business process reengineering, folks. Foxconn (the world biggest OEM supplier is sending hundreds if not thousands engineers and middle level management to schools like Tsinghua to be trained with western management techniques.
Intel, IBM, Siemens, Microsoft have all set up research facilities in China. Yes, it is true, that the Chinese trained researchers are not as good as US trained ones. But they get 1/5 of the salary and are 1/2 as good. Most importantly, they work 12 hours / day. They absorb every bit of creativity and methodology from the US trained researchers. When the country is getting rich and can allocate more resource into research and development, it is going to compete with the US in many areas.

With such, I think that the opportunities lie in these areas:
1: Commodity trading with China, like oil, steel, etc. China will import these from the international market
2: Any products and services that are tailored for middle class. A lot of money can be made in media production and distribution which was formally controlled by the central government. A good example of the Super Girl show which was ended last month.
3: International trading. With the opening of China deepen into the western regions, china will import and export services and products that they want and the world also want.

So time is right to get in and start doing something in China. By the way, the digital map services that we discussed during our last summit were sold to for 9 million USD. Not bad.

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微软的前老板和朋友要归美国了。美国总部要他写个Top5 items about china that Microsoft senior managers should know 微软的高层必须知道的中国的5条建议。这是他的答案:

1: China is expensive;
2:1.5 billion people does not mean 1.5 billion customers;
3: The development in China is entirely driven by western investment, western style management and western trained managers;
4: The modernization in China will take 50 years, not 5;
5: Success in China is a total randomness.





中国现在是乱世,不能用发达国家的理性思维方式来做生意。要用的方法是:The Quick and the Dead (Starring Sharon Stone)

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Good Luck. Mister. One dollar”. (Education in Cambodia)

No doubt that Cambodia is a poor country. After years of war and the four tragic years under the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot’s leadership which killed estimated 2 million people, Cambodia which was once an artistic and religious power, is now in the process of rebuilding.

Riding on the back of the tuk tuk, I was going to the River Tonle Sap. I have been visiting all the temples in Angkor Wat for the past 3 days. I needed some changes.

On the way to the Tonle Sap river, my tuk tuk stopped for gas. I noticed a military SUV with a pair of loud speakers mounted on the top. There were some announcement came from the speakers.

“What are they saying?” I pointed to the SUV and asked the tuk tuk driver.
“Oh, they are getting these kids to go to school to study at night.”
“But today is Saturday and it is a weekend.”
“That is why they are only going to school at night and have the day off to help with the family business.”

Cambodia needs a lot of foreign investment. However, most of those are concentrated in the tourism industry. Cambodia needs to build its infrastructure such as roads, telecommunication, and most important of all, Cambodian kids need education.

On the tour boat at the Tonle Sap river, I had a few kids following my boat. They put up a victory sign and said: “Good Luck. Mister. One dollar .“

I handed out a few one dollar bills to them. “Go to get a book with the money.”

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Good Luck. Mister. One dollar

No doubt that Cambodia is a poor country. After years of war and the four tragic years under the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot’s leadership which killed estimated 2 million people, Cambodia which was once an artistic and religious power, is now in the process of rebuilding.

Riding on the back of the tuk tuk, I was going to the River Tonle Sap. I have been visiting all the temples in Angkor Wat for the past 3 days. I needed some changes.

On the way to the Tonle Sap river, my tuk tuk stopped for gas. I noticed a military SUV with a pair of loud speakers mounted on the top. There were some announcement came from the speakers.

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轮子上的国家 Country on Wheel


一、 在校园学习,骑车是最实惠、最现实的


二、 考汽车驾照

驾照(Driver’s  License)是驾车的许可证照,其作用不言而喻。无照驾车、违法违规,是中国留学生格外谨慎不去触犯的。正式驾车前必须申请,通过考试取得后才能驾车。
在美国考获驾照是件很普通的大众化工作,城市各区都会有车辆管理所(Motor  Vehicles  Bureau)办理此事。这些管理所往往还印发了驾照申请、考核事项和交通规则等内容的如何考驾照的专门小册子,免费向申请者提供。
路试(Road  test),主要考核驾驶技术,如合格,表示能够驾驶汽车。考试时,美国教师亲自监考一些驾车操作上有代表性和连贯性的技巧,考核申请者驾车基本功、联合运用能力,困难路段通过能力和随机处置的能力。考前,因我得益老陈之车,既没有去驾驶学校专门学习驾驶技术,而且一次考试通过。
笔试(Written  test)主要考核你对交通规则的熟悉程度。
眼试(Eye  test)主要考核你对道路各类标志的认识程度。美国的交通标志,简单明了、完善易懂。除了红、绿、黄三种颜色的交通指示灯,还有停车、不能停车、单行线标志和行人的可行(walk sign)不可行标志(Don’t walk sign)、立于路旁标立的绿底白字进、出口、方向、里程、道路名称和限速等标志,只要看懂一点英语,是一目了然的。因为平时的留意,考前又重点阅读了小册子中的交通规则和交通标志,同时针对笔试和眼试两类考试由车辆管理所电脑命题,申请者当场以电脑按键回答问题的准备,所以这两类考试也就顺利Pass了。

三、 学习交通规则

如果迷路或前进方向不明而需要查阅地图时,应把车停到路旁允许停车的地方或者到休息区(rest area)去弄明白。在高速路上和快车道上车速很快,突然停车,尾随车辆来不及停车,容易发生车祸。
在美国的高速路或快车道都有行车极限速度(limit speed)的规定,太快太慢都不允许。在城市间的道路和市区道路的限速,各州各地规定不统一,有时变化幅度还很大。以高速极限而言,有规定为70哩/小时、60哩/小时、也有40哩/小时的,要严格执行。在高速公路上常常有警车窥视超速车辆,不要侥幸,否则会引起许多麻烦。

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